Friday, April 22, 2011

I am the light the truth and the way, and no one comes to....

How much different would the world have been if there was deeper understanding into that simple phrase. How much different if the writers of the bible, the readers of the bible, and ultimately the modern day interpreters of the bible could look into the heart of one who came to save, not to exclude. Who came to liberate, not to enslave. Who came in peace, for peace, with peace, not as judge for an angry god. As long as we seperate god from us we are doomed. As long as God is perceived as some long bearded white guy in the clouds we will never see god. Never in the flowers, in sun, the rain, pain, joy, heartache, longing, forgiveness, or redemption.

I am the light, the truth and the way, as you are, and no man shall come to the father, to know thy true self, except through, yourself.

I am the light (A Guide), the truth (the preciousness of all human beings), the way (the path of the enlightened soul) and no man shall come to the father (complete understanding), except through me (realizing yourself as Jesus realized himself). 

A hand in it all

The Relative. Caue and Effect. The gentle and not so gentle cocoon of this existence wraps itself into every current of our lives. We sit, we contemplate, we persue God, that which we percieve to be a apart from us. Yet we run in terror when we capture but a glimpse of the fact that the absolute is just that, absolute.The irony lies in that which tethers us, imprisons us in delusion, is that which we need to set us free. When scaling the cliff face, apparently humans need a few relative handholds along the way to realize that they are in fact the cliff.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I watched the film "The Human Experience" last night. This documentary film begins when two brothers decide to take up experiences of many facets of humanity, to truly walk in anothers shoes. In the first part of the film the brothers decide to actually become homeless for a week in New York City, to live and sleep on the streets, to beg for food, to live as true members of the homeless community. Crushingly the brothers interviewed one homeless woman, who said when she was first on the streets that she had four dogs with her. People hung all around her in the freezing cold on their cell phones, looking for homes for the dogs, while they left her to freeze on the street. Have we really lost that part of our humanity that allows us to see ourselves in another's eyes?

"He who does not see God in the next person he meets, need look no further" -Gandhi

In these times more and more people find themselves in difficulty, in pain, hungry, or even homeless, yet we are so diconnected from each other that there is this always "someone else". I invite you to reflect on that "who" that eternal "someone". What can each of us offer in the way of compassion? How can we truly embody that which makes us truly human.

Monday, April 18, 2011

What would you do if you could live forever? Decoding Immortality

As science flirts with unraveling the mystery of why we age, ethical and other deeply profound questions arise. Would we have any impetus to pursue a spiritual path if we could live forever, would we postpone that quest? Population would surely increase in a world straining to meet the demands of our current population. How might we cope?  As you view this incredibly interesting video, consider these questions and formulate your own. Ironically, as you will see, it is the opposite edge of the same double edged knife upon which we perch