Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I watched the film "The Human Experience" last night. This documentary film begins when two brothers decide to take up experiences of many facets of humanity, to truly walk in anothers shoes. In the first part of the film the brothers decide to actually become homeless for a week in New York City, to live and sleep on the streets, to beg for food, to live as true members of the homeless community. Crushingly the brothers interviewed one homeless woman, who said when she was first on the streets that she had four dogs with her. People hung all around her in the freezing cold on their cell phones, looking for homes for the dogs, while they left her to freeze on the street. Have we really lost that part of our humanity that allows us to see ourselves in another's eyes?

"He who does not see God in the next person he meets, need look no further" -Gandhi

In these times more and more people find themselves in difficulty, in pain, hungry, or even homeless, yet we are so diconnected from each other that there is this always "someone else". I invite you to reflect on that "who" that eternal "someone". What can each of us offer in the way of compassion? How can we truly embody that which makes us truly human.

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